Bulgarian Institute of Solid State Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences














Union of the Physicists in Bulgaria

Created 4.11.2019
Updated 5.12.2023

Curriculum Vitae
Books  Articles  Reports  Manuscripts  Citations
Historical  Documentary  Outside
Assoc. Prof. Dr.

M. Borissov, I. A. Vavrek, G. Kamisheva, Survey of the History of Education in Physics in Bulgaria, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1203, Issue 1, p.

  1. G. Vlahakis, The Introduction of Classical Physics in Greece: The Role of the Italian Universities and Publications, History of Universities-Oxford (14) 157-180 (1998)

I. A. Vavrek, G. Kamisheva, M. Borissov, Dissemination of Newton’s Mechanics on Bulgarian Soil During the Bulgarian National Revival. – Newtonian physics and its dissemination in the wider Balkan region, Edited by G. N. Vlahakis, Symposium, 17-18 December 1993, Athens (1996) 129-144

  1. G. Vlahakis, T. Sofronieva, Beyond Nations? Pierre Beron (1798–1871) and his work. A typical nineteenth century Balkan savant, Dissemination and Development of Physics and Mathematics on the Balkans, Sofia, ISSP-BAS (2012) с. 13

II. Vavrek, А., G. Kamisheva. A contribution to the portrait of Dimitar Mouteff as a scientist and teacher, Report: International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Cluj Napoca, 1997

  1. Голев, А. Антонова, Л. Филипова, Катедра Астрономия - години на растеж, Годишник на Софийския университет, Физически факултет, София (2015) с. 38

III. G. S. K. Porphyry Bachmetjew 1860 –1913. – Biographies of the European Physicists (2000)

  1. К. Коленцов, Открития и изобретения на физици от СУ и БАН през 20 век. – Сп. БАН (1) 44-52 (2007)

IV. G. S. K. Georges Nadjakoff 1896–1981. – Biographies of the European Physicists (2000)

  1. К. Коленцов, Открития и изобретения на физици от СУ и БАН през 20 век. – Сп. БАН (1) 44-52 (2007)

V. G. Kamisheva, A. Vavrek Milestones in the development of Physics in the Sofia University (1889–1945). – Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 27(4) 55-58 (2000)

  1. N. Krementsov, Neither Life, Nor Death, Biomedical research in Russia, Chapter 3, In Print, 2011

  2. N. Krementsov, Revolutionary experiments, The Quest for Immortality in Bolshevik Science and Fiction, Oxford University Press, 2014, p. 223

VI. G. Kamisheva, A. Vavrek, Contents of the courses in Physics in the Sofia university (1889–1945). – Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 27(4) 59-62 (2000)
  1. N. Krementsov, Neither Life, Nor Death, Biomedical research in Russia, Chapter 3, In Print, 2011

  2. В. Голев, А. Антонова, Л. Филипова, Катедра Астрономия - години на растеж, Годишник на Софийския университет, Физически факултет, София (2015) с. 38

  3. Н. Рачев, Метеорологията и геофизиката в 125 годишната история на преподаване на физика в СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, Годишник на СУ, Юбилейно издание 50 години Физически факултет (2015) с. 5-25

VII. G. Kamisheva, History of the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics in the Sofia University (1925–1935). – Proceedings of Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, 2003, BPU, Belgrade (2003) 1999-2002
  1. Н. Сретенова, Академичната кариера на проф. Георги Манев (по архивни докумнети от Български и американски източници), Наука, 2004, кн. 4, с. 58-65

  2. N. Sretenova, About Some Bulgarian and US Documents Highlighting G. Maneff’s Academic Career Promotion, Prof. G. Manev’s Legacy in Contemporary Astronomy, Theoretical and Gravitational Physics, Edited by V. Gerdjikov and M. Tsvetkov, Heron Press Science Series, Sofia, 2005, pp 54-61

  3. R. Ivanov, E. Prodanov, Manev Potential and General Relativity, Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Mathematics, 2005

VIII. G. Kamisheva, Bulgarian Mathematical Culture in XIX century. – History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter (61), 16-20 (2006)
  1. S. Markov, Bulgarian teachers and scholars around Liberation, История на физиката Трети национален конгрес по физически науки, София (2016) с. 46-54

  2. С. Капралов, П. Иванова, “Нестор Марков и неговият принос в обучението по математика през възраждането”, Културно историческо наследство: опазване, представяне, дигитализация (т. 5) 80-91 (2018)

IX. G. Kamisheva Bulgarian physical and mathematical culture in 19 century. – Proceedings of Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU6), Istanbul, AIP Conference Proceedings, No 899 (2006) 521-522
  1. S. Markov, Bulgarian teachers and scholars around Liberation, История на физиката Трети национален конгрес по физически науки, София (2016) с. 46-54

  2. М Гайдарова, Е Масленкова, И. Коцева, Образованието по физика в българското училище през Възраждането до първата половина на 20 век, Светът на физиката (2) с. 170-179 (2018); доклад на 46 Конференция по въпросите на обучението по изика, Плевен, 14-16 април 2018

  3. L. Spassov,

X. G. Kamisheva Traditions and Reforms in Bulgarian Physics. Milko Borissov (1921 – 1998). – CP1203 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Edited by A. Angelopoulos and T. Fildisis, AIP (2009) 1336-1341
  1. Steve Reynolds, Carrier mobility,band tails and defects in microcrystalline silicon, 16 ISCMP: Progress in Solid State and Molecular Electronics, Ionics and Photonics, IoP Publishing, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 253, 2010, p. 012002

XI. G. Kamisheva, The roots of theoretical physics in Bulgaria, – Proceedings of the first joint European Symposium on the History of Physics, Peter Maria Schuster (Editor), Pollau Castle, Stiria, Austria, 28-29 May 2010, Living Edition Science (2010) 291-306
  1. The Roots of Physics, Newsletter for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe, No 13, July 2010, p. 12-14

XII. G. Kamisheva, Nestor Marcoff's Contribution to Bulgarian Physics and Mathematics Education, Biomath Communications (4) p. 36-50 (2017)
  1. С. Капралов, П. Иванова, Нестор Марков и неговият принос в обучението по математика през възраждането, Културно историческо наследство: опазване, представяне, дигитализация (т. 5) 80-91 (2018)
